Friday, March 22, 2019

Triple Portait ( Evollution )

This entire project was very bad for my stomach. As soon as I searched up chicken, all these beautiful photos of food with chicken came up which made me so hungry. I decided to do a chicken egg to a chicken to my dinner.

Self-Portrait Montage with Different Filters

I already have a lot of weird photos of myself with weird filters ( because I am a narcissist ) so it wasn't that hard to get the photos of myself for the montage. I layered all of them because it kind of looks like a weird family photo of me from different dimensions/time periods.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Portrait Montage Using Different Backgrounds

This is my only good portrait I took recently of myself and that was a month ago.  I took lots of pretty backgrounds ( in my own opinion ) and decided not to blend the edges together because I kind of liked the way that they looked all sharp against each other as my picture is kind of blurry.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Candyland Landscape

This was a really fun project to do because I got to place lots of fun touches to the picture. I think my favorite part of this was making the dead gingerbread man on the right look like he is laying down. I had to change the perspective and it actually turned out nice. Surprisingly, I actually found a tombstone brownie and erased the bottom portion of the brownie to make it look like dirt.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Art Addition to Masterpiece

I truly think this is the best project I have ever done in both Card 1 and 2. I really like how the hair I drew closest to my neck on the left side really looks like the original hair by Albrecht Durer. Because I don't like to whitewash my face or alter it in any way color-wise, I decided to make the hands more pinker. I had a fun time coloring my eyebrows blonde, and now I know what hair colors I should never dye my hair.

Repetition Used in a Creative Way

I really like the way everything turned out for this project. It took me a while working on each side, one ballerina at a time. After I resized and repositioned a ballerina on the left side ( for example ), I then duplicated the layer and put it directly opposite of it. I considered coloring the backgrounds for a long time, but in the end, I think that the white really makes them seem more separated ( and better? )
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